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英文创作:Benjamin Curtis/Alejandra Deheza /Claudia Deheza翻译:行路/Daisy 修改:行路 技术支持:Daisy
Windmills cut through穿过风车
The void dividing the imagined and true空白将幻想与现实分离
The eyes neglect to see what the heart pursues眼前所见淡忘了心之所向
But my heart finds a dream in these unseen hues但我在那些目不可及的色彩里找到了一个乌托邦
In the untouchable无法触及
That's not to say不可言说
That I don't feel the limitations and the在梦里没有那些条条框框
Drop from the expectation亦无需压抑美梦的锋芒
It's not naive不是万物所生
But the heart of creation却是心之所向
It's the only这是独一无二
Thing proven true to me为我所证实的真相
When the fire's burnin' from sky to ground当天火坠落到人间
Swing my weight around负重皆被涤荡
Begin the windstorm风暴就此来临
When the fire's burnin' from sky to ground当天火坠落到人间
Swing my weight around负重皆被涤荡
Begin the windstorm风暴就此来临
When the fire's burnin' from sky to ground当天火坠落到人间
Swing my weight around负重皆被涤荡
Begin the windstorm风暴就此来临
When the fire's burnin' from sky to ground当天火坠落到人间
Swing my weight around负重皆被涤荡
Begin the windstorm风暴就此来临
Time past has thrown时光洗尽铅华

Shadows over my shoulder that as ghosts owned但肩上鬼魅般的阴影从未逝去

Movement of my desires lost like a stone希望的乐章不过只是一块微不足道的卵石

Cast as a wish into a well with no sound如愿一般被掷进许愿池里,不惊起一丝波澜

No answer at the end石沉大海,再无回音
When the fire's burnin' from sky to ground当天火坠落到人间
Swing my weight around负重皆被涤荡
Begin the windstorm风暴就此来临
When the fire's burnin' from sky to ground当天火坠落到人间
Swing my weight around负重皆被涤荡
Begin the windstorm风暴就此来临
When the fire's burnin' from sky to ground当天火坠落到人间
Swing my weight around负重皆被涤荡
Begin the windstorm风暴就此来临
When the fire's burnin' from sky to ground当天火坠落到人间
Swing my weight around负重皆被涤荡
Begin the windstorm风暴就此来临
When the fire's burnin' from sky to ground当天火坠落到人间
Swing my weight around负重皆被涤荡
Begin the windstorm风暴就此来临
When the fire's burnin' from sky to ground当天火坠落到人间
Swing my weight around负重皆被涤荡
Begin the windstorm风暴就此来临
